Beginners Guide to Indoor Plants

By now, we’ve all learned the many, many positive health benefits of owning and caring for indoor plants. From improving air quality by removing toxins and reducing stress levels to helping your staff focus better and increase productivity, what’s stopping you from getting some indoor plants?

We know a self-confessed serial plant killer, and maybe it’s you. That’s why we’ve put an indoor plant guide together to make sure that not only are you getting the most from your indoor plants, but that they’re getting everything that they need from you!

Prestigious Plantscapes knows the ins and outs of indoor plants, which is why we offer a fully comprehensive, FREE design service to determine which of our broad range of plants will suit your office needs best. Our experienced team are experts at designing the right landscaping solution for your corporate office, family-owned business space, or next event.

Choosing the Right Indoor Plant For You

While it may be tempting to head straight to Bunnings and pick out the prettiest plant that matches your style and decor, it’s important to do some research first. You’ll need to evaluate the spaces in your office to determine what kind of environment your brand-new indoor plant will be living in. Before you buy…

Check the Light Levels

If you want a plant to bring life to a dark corner, you’ll need a shade-tolerant one. Look for plants with large, darker leaves, such as a Lady Palm, Peace Lily, or Zanzibar Gem. These are some of the most popular indoor plants that flourish in indirect light.

If you have an area with lots of bright light near a window, look for plants with coloured or patterned leaves. Bromeliads, Prayer Plants, and Zebra Plants thrive in direct sunlight.

Think About Your Time

If you know you won’t have much time to dedicate to your indoor garden or don’t trust yourself to remember, search for plants that require less attention.

Look for plants that retain water – these will have thicker, almost spongy leaves. Some of the best plants for serial plant killers are jade plants, cacti, and aloe vera, as well as indoor palms like Madagascar or Ponytail Palm.

What’s the Weather Like?

If you’re living in Queensland, you’ll know that areas in front of windows can get hot and humid. So you’ll have to make sure you choose a plant that can tolerate hot, humid weather.

Think about your last holiday to North Queensland and all the exotic ferns and palms you saw. These could be the best plants for your office. Try a Peace Lily, African Violet or Bird’s Nest Fern. These are plants that you can keep in areas of your office that get the most humidity, like bathrooms and kitchens. Your tropical plants will thrive in these high-humidity areas!

Recommended Plants for Beginners

Snake plant

Known for its striking, upright leaves and resilience, the snake plant thrives on neglect. It tolerates low light, requires minimal watering, and even helps purify the air, making it an ideal choice for beginners or busy plant owners.

Spider plant

One of the most popular indoor houseplants, the spider plant is fast-growing and hardy, requiring little maintenance. Its cascading green-and-white striped leaves and ability to produce baby plantlets make it a favourite for hanging baskets and tabletops.

ZZ plant

With its glossy, deep green leaves and impressive drought tolerance, the ZZ plant is nearly indestructible. It thrives in low light and requires infrequent watering, making it a top pick for low-maintenance plant lovers.


A versatile trailing plant with heart-shaped leaves, pothos is easy to care for and thrives in various lighting conditions. These hardy plants are perfect for beginners and add a lush, cascading touch to any space.

Buying a Healthy Indoor Plant

Now that you’ve figured out what plants you want to buy and where you’re going to keep them in your office, it’s time to go to a nursery and check out their selection.

We’ve all gone into a store and bought a plant, only to have it die within a few days. But the good news is this may not be your fault! Sometimes, when you buy a plant, it can already be sick and on its way out. Remember these handy tips when buying a house plant…

  • Look for yellowing or brittle leaves. These are signs that the plant is sick and may not recover.
  • Read the label – double-check that it’s suitable for where you’ll be keeping it. There’ll also be handling tips to keep them thriving, like watering or nutrient tips.
  • Check for pests and diseases. It’s unlikely you’ll find them on plants in a nursery, but always be diligent! Check both sides of leaves for black growth that could be fungi or hungry aphids. Don’t forget to dig a little at the stem to check that it’s strong down to the roots and nothing is living in the soil!
  • Bigger isn’t better! Most plants that are growing very tall but thin and spindly have been deprived of light and have become brittle. Make sure you choose a plant that is full and strong.
  • Check the roots – if a plant’s roots are growing out of the drainage holes, it could be stunted from being in a pot that’s too small for too long. Plants won’t always recover from being this stunted and stressed, so it’s best to avoid it.

Introducing a New Plant to Your Home

You’ve chosen your plant, found the perfect spot, and now it’s time to bring it home. Just like people need time to adjust to a new environment, plants do too. A little care and support can help them settle in smoothly. Here’s what we recommend when bringing a new plant home…


Keep your new plant separate from others for a couple of weeks to prevent the spread of pests or diseases. If you have bought potted plants, keep them in the initial pot for a few weeks until they get used to the environment, and then they can be repotted.

Clean and Treat

Gently wipe the leaves to remove dust and check for pests or signs of disease, treating as needed. Maintaining proper humidity indoors helps prevent spider mites from settling on your plant. Regular misting or using a humidifier can balance moisture levels and deter pests.

Add Plant Food / Fertiliser

A suitable fertiliser can boost your plant’s nutrients and support healthy growth. After the journey from the nursery to your home, a little extra care can help it adjust to its new environment.

Check soil surface

Inspect the soil for pests, mould, or signs of compaction that could affect your plant’s health. If the soil appears compacted or depleted, consider repotting with fresh, well-draining potting soil to improve aeration and nutrient availability.

Day to Day Plant Care

Now that you’ve bought your healthy plant, placed it in the best spot for it to thrive, and set notifications on your phone to remind you to water it, you’re almost set! Here are just a few more tips to keep your indoor plant happy and healthy for years to come!

Remove Dead, Brown or Yellowing Leaves  

Not only will this keep your plants from looking their best, but dead leaves can encourage fungi to grow or cause infection in living parts. Your plants could also struggle to revive these leaves, taking important water and nutrients from the healthier leaves. So, it could be putting your whole plant in jeopardy.

Check for Insects Regularly

Make sure bugs don’t appreciate these plants more than you do! Bugs love to eat fresh vegetation and build their homes in lush green plants. However, this can hurt your plants and lead to their death, so check regularly!

Keep Plants Dust-Free

Think of a plant’s leaves like skin. You make sure that your skin is clean and free of build-up to avoid irritations, rashes or blemishes. The same is true for plants! Gently wipe them with a warm, damp cloth regularly to keep them dust-free and ensure no nasties on those leaves!

Rotate Your Indoor Plants Regularly

When you water, spin your plants so all sides have access to light sources or airflow and can grow evenly and stronger. If left, they can start to grow off-balance, and not only will they start to look bizarre, but if there’s not enough light, the plant may slowly die.

Prestigious Plantscapes Can Help

We know there’s a lot here, but the hardest part is choosing your plant and getting one that’s healthy. But once the hard part is over, it’s all about remembering to give them a little care.

If you’re still hesitant but want to see the great benefits indoor plants can have on your office, get in touch with the friendly team at Prestigious Plantscapes, and we’ll take care of your indoor plants and all their needs.

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What Our Clients Say

"The beauty about Prestigious Plantscapes is that I don’t ever have to worry about our plants and how they look. It just gets done.

The office looks great and we have been relying on their service for many years now."

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Jan Bamkin, Seven Network


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"Their customer service is simply outstanding. They feel like family: they are friendly and warm, and always willing to go the extra. We have never had to complain about anything, and any requests get looked into immediately. They are also subtle, they sweep in and out, they are flexible and they can work within a budget. I would absolutely recommend them."

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Di Smith, Thales Australia


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